Tuesday 16 April 2013

London Calling

Its been exactly a week since I said goodbye to my Parents, my part time job and everything I love in America, to hop across the pond and make a life of my own in London. At 19, my need for a different life from my peers wasn't understood by some. The thought of leaving home and going so far away is frightening to most, but not me! I was more excited and thrilled of a new adventure then anyone could understand or comprehend. The thought of being anonymous in the city streets dodging and weaving through people, seeing shops and fashion and being engulfed in the British culture fueled my desire. Plus who doesn't love the accent?! So with months and months of planning, I traded in my Volkswagen Golf for an Oyster Card and  am now living in West London attending University and loving every minute of it.

I would be lying if I said the transition was easy.The simplest things, I have had to reteach myself; Look left not right when crossing the street, chips are fries and its Celsius not Fahrenheit. Jet lag makes you want to sleep all day and be up all night. Plus I could barely grocery shop in America.... let alone a foreign store with all new brands. My American dollars are useless here and Pounds have way too many coins. Public transportation is now your friend and always have a handy umbrella for it can rain at any moment. But all in all nothing to make me hop back over the pond and retreat into my old life.

This week was full of experiencing the typical London life. Tube rides, Double Decker buses, Westminster, Piccadilly Circus, and Carnaby street. Exploring the high street by my flat and drinking (alcohol) in pubs on the handful of sunny days London gets. A lovely vacation from real life, but a bank account needs to be opened, bills need to be transferred to my name, University starts and job hunting needs to be done. Back to reality,but also the beginning of my new life.

- Xoxo Patience 

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely post, I live in London and it is so interesting to see how different you find the UK to the US. I never really thought about the fact that there are so many coins but they are all so distinctive - You'll get used to it! Hope you like London so far!! (and like you said, always carry an umbrella!) xx
